Without a doubt, the long-term success of Léger Incorporated in the IT to Business Consulting Field and the groundbreaking work they have delivered over the last decade, is a direct result of the quality of our team members. Our Associates at Léger are driven by their desire to contribute to the success of our clients, and by the knowledge that they have an opportunity to be a part of a team, which demands the most of their talents and skill.
"Every day, we have a chance to do something that may have never been done before for companies that EXPECT a quality of service that live up to their brands. Take Sony for example; nobody had ever built a 'virtual juke-box' capable of accessing over 8,000 song titles through a touch screen GUI, much less an application that supported both user and back-end inventory bar code scanning, all in 1995! But Sony knew that they HAD to have ground-breaking technology in their Manhattan SONY Style Store. Their customers expect that WOW factor...never mind that no Virtual Juke Box application software OR hardware at that point had ever been written or produced. What an opportunity! Léger delivered, and that system is still working today in Manhattan, over five years later, and people wonder why we are so passionate about our jobs. We get to wake up every day and change the world a little, one project at a time!" (Roland Zalite, Léger Team Member, 2001).
The vast range of experience within our IT to Business teams range from executive level business modeling and strategic planning through custom application front-end systems, to existing architecture integration, through proprietary back-end software. However, our associates ARE NOT your average consultants. In fact, one of our recent clients summed it up best in introducing one of our teams to their IT staff, "...Yes, these are our new consultants. Yes, there are only three of them. Why? Because we only have 7,898 retail locations worldwide. If we were bigger, they'd have probably sent four." Think of our associates as the "Special Forces" of IT to Business consulting community. If we're doing our jobs properly, we're not too visible, not too noisy, and we don't stick around any longer than is absolutely necessary. But when you have do-or-die missions, you're sure glad you have the best of the best to call on to get critical mission objectives accomplished.